Friday, August 11, 2023

Summer Sights

 She was twirling and prancing through her

 mid summer's magic.

Inviting the Heat...

Allowing the Fun...


Igniting the Passions...

All the goodies of the summer gateway were 

smoothly flooding in... 

However, she knew the end was coming near and it was 

almost time to simmer down. 

As she stepped back and began to take stock

of all that she was manifesting before her, 

she had realized a slight detail that she had 

accidentally overlooked.. 

Once again she had overstepped her own 

boundary lines. 

She had begun to over give once again out of 

a false sense of nurturing. 

She really had to put herself back into reality.

The reality that a person was only to nurture themselves.

Never other people. 

Especially not partners. 

She wasn't their mother. 

And this is where she was always going into 


She always ran head first when it came to 

relating to others. 

But lately, she had been doing her inner work

and was feeling her heart getting left 

behind for the first time ever. 

It definitely didn't feel good. 

Her heart would beg and plead to her 

that it needed attention. 

That it needed nurturing. 

But she was too busy thinking it was her 

relationship to others that needed her attention more.

And so during this mid summer's morning... 

She finally decided to listen to her heart

and she drew herself her very first Boundary Line.

After getting over the fear of being rejected or abandoned,

she realized she had done the right thing not only

for herself, but for everyone else involved. 

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