Thursday, July 20, 2023

Never look back...

 Venus was packing her bags for her next big trip.

It wasn't a trip for the faint of heart. 

But it was definitely a trip she couldn't miss. 

As she continued to pack her bags, 

She couldn't decide whether she wanted to pack 

her old beliefs or not. 

But she decided in the last minute to cram them 

all into her carry on bag anyways. 

She figured when she got to the underworld, 

Pluto would decide what to keep and what to toss


Her heart was always open to all, but in the end, she 

began to see that Pluto was actually necessary in order to 

help her remain true to herself. 


And so it was with her as well. 

Here she was in her now moments, 

anticipating July 22nd.

The day the planet Venus would go retrograde,

Which brought forth her adventures into the underworld

to meet Hades himself. 

She knew she had some cleaning up to do within her 

own life.

She had just recently gotten off the streets and reclaimed 

her life as still worth another chance.

However, she had ended up once again in Plutonic territory.

There was just no escaping it. 

Her life was surrounded with blood hungry vampires!

Each time she wanted to be herself, there was always someone

who couldn't handle the energy.

And so yes, she realized it was time to be alone. 

She needed this space in order to create what she was 

called to do. 

It was sad though really... 

That she had to be the one to be so strong to leave all 

things behind and just go it alone. 

She didn't think this is what she was destined for, but no matter

what she did in this life, it always lead her to this. 

To this rejection.

To this abandonment.

To this need to go it alone. 

And so she set out to do just that. 

Hoping that this time, she would do it right. 


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