Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Back to Forward Again...

It was always Hot... 

Super Hot...

But she really didn't mind it once she accepted

that the beach was only a 15 minute drive away. 

However, as she continued to enjoy her summer in paradise, 

she realized that she was definitely going to miss the fall

leaves and all their amazing beauties. 

She was also going to miss the excitement she always felt 

waiting for the fresh fall of snow to bless her eyes

in the most unexpected of mornings. 

Her life had done flopped once again... 

Topsy Turvy... 

That was more like it.

"Where are you going?" They would ask her... 

She always knew where she wanted to be.

But somehow she had adapted to a sudden desire 


self sabotaging mechanisms

in order to always destroy what she wanted

once she would happen to achieved it.

But why?

She knew it was that time finally... 

that time to 

Clear the deck!

What was karmic?

What was unconscious?

This is what she really needed to pay attention to. 

Not to the many items or people in a blaming game... 

But more to the hidden patterns that have been guiding her... 

There were things that needed to be removed. 

Partnership work that needed to be worked out.

With herself first and then with others.

That Fight and Flight mode that she was so used to running with,

had to be tied down with knowledge. 

And her Ice cold  freeze mode 

needed to be thawed out 

so she could connect to her passions once again.

Hyper independence became a no-no...

Instead there was going to be the mastering of negotiations

and the fine art of boundary line drawing. 

The time had come to finally

Stop procrastinating.

No more battling to prove she was number one!

The moment in time had come.

It was now or never.

So she chose now.

Now would be that time where she truly

 Accepted herself as is.

And she would decide to finally use

 her Aries energy in a healthy way. 

It was now time for her to weed out

 those relationships that were supportive, and those that were not.

This was a time of

Turning points in her life and she really needed 

to assess everything that she was going to set out to do.

Will she fall back into old habits?

or will she 

Learn new skills so she could finally be what she 

always wanted to be... 

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