Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A Rest of Routines

 The New Moon in Virgo came and went rather quickly

last week

as did any and all evidence of her previous life's' existence.

Her Plutonic Twin had been arrested by the powers of the New Moon.

But really she knew it was more along the territory lines 

of Saturn in Pisces.

Which for her was also doing a lot of rearranging.

She was just more surrendered.

She knew to go with the flow always, 

otherwise there would be some tough roads ahead.

As she sat in the library typing away at her blog, 

she wondered what she was to do next.

Where was she to go?

What was she to do?

Her 3D life was in dire need of a cash flow. 

Even though she had a roof over her head and a bed to sleep in.

She figured, it was only moments 

before insulation would become a necessity. 

She was just learning the art of prayer. 

Real prayer.. 

Not the type of prayer where she put it out there

and hoped for a return of something.

But a real connecting prayer. 

One in which she expressed her true fears to her heart,

and allowed God to answer and guide her. 

So here she was... 

getting ready to make a decision.. 

A decision to move forward.. 

She just needed a direction.

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