Sunday, September 10, 2023

Eat Your GaRLic or Wear it

She was sitting in the most classic of places,

a Rustic cafe section,

 in her local neighborhood market.

 The ambiance and décor really took her 

into a calm yet creative feeling.

She was very content.

The rain outside gave the day a greyness to it,

yet, it didn't affect the moods of those around her.

Everyone seemed just as calm and hopeful 

as she felt. 

She saw her self reflection in everyone

around her. 

There was a group of four women all chatting, eating, 

and drinking, at the table in front of her

and she remembered just how much she used to 

love watching Sex in the City and always wanted to 

experience it .

And there it was, right in front of her. 

She also saw a bunch of single women sitting

alone, yet they were all very independent 

and strong women who were either studying, or 

just enjoying their food and space to the fullest!

This too reflected her quite well because she too

loved her alone time.

She loved to eat food and enjoy every bite

 with love for herself.

This is how she felt loved and valued and worthy. 

By doing those things that she always wanted.

She did them for herself with total joy in her heart.

As for being single,

That part she actual was not. 

However, something seemed to be happening with 

her significant other. 

She was paying attention to all that was 

coming up lately and she realized that 

the minute she agreed with her boyfriend

that they really didn't need to share finances.

And that it was actually their own responsibility to 

feed and buy their own necessities.. 

She began to sense a distancing of energy 

in him.

Of course she was willing to accept the harsh 

sudden reality that they were both responsible for themselves,

but that never made her feel less loving and attracted towards him...

However, his behavior towards her, 

was actually showing otherwise.

She wondered...

Was he only being nice in the past because 

it would get her to offer her finances to him?

Because all of a sudden now that she learned her true role,

his love and affection for her began to show

a lack of appreciation for what they had.

She knew... 

Only time would tell. 

She knew the saying... 

When someone was only after what they could get,

and the other person woke up...

The boundary lines that were necessary 

would of course be

 the Garlic around the neck .


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