Monday, October 2, 2023

Sweat Release

It was already October, yet the days still felt like 

the sweaty dog days of summer! 

What in the hey-oh was going on out there!

She figured it was probably a reflection.

A reflection of her boiling repressed angers that 

she was holding deep within.

She had thought she was releasing them, 

but sure enough, 

every time she went to ride her bicycle, 

her knee would tell her otherwise. 

So what anger was she repressing? 

It was time to set it all free.

Well, the first one was about guys. 

She was so angry at the guys she was attracting.

Why was she even attracting them?

And just what was she attracting anyways?

As she went through all the guys who have

recently tried to hook up with her, 

she realized one key thing in common. 

All of the guys were mamas boys!

Feminine boys in grown man bodies.

That was it!

All these feminine boys were looking for

women to stroke their ego.

They wanted the woman to call them, 

text them, cherish them, baby them, just like mama used to.

These mama's boys were all attracted to her

probably because she was too over giving.

She realized that she had probably attracted these 

men as a test from the universe 

to see if she would still fall for them.

But she didn't. 

She was finally catching on.

And she had finally built up her boundaries!

Her role as a woman was finally coming into clear view!

She liked the feeling of it too.

She finally was able to see her true worth 

and not need validation for it from 

anyone, especially not a man boy.

The second anger issue that was really beginning to boil over

in her, was her living situation. 

She realized that, at first, it didn't really 

seem all that bad until she let a few days settle in.

As each day went buy, she realized, 

that first of all, she did not have a lock on her door. 

It wasn't even a door. 

She had double doors and they couldn't be locked. 

This presented a problem. 

For two reasons. 

One, the house she was renting a room from

had many many many young children running amuck!

Which also added to a third problem.

These children when running sounded as if

they wore iron weight boots...

Every step they took made the loudest of sounds.

The vibrations sometimes shook the entire 

house, so it seemed!

However, aside from the loud noises that she had 

to endure, the mere fact that she didn't 

have a lock on her door was the ultimate tragedy! 

The little ones would burst into her room on a daily


She would be changing her clothes, and boom!

The doors swung open!

After the first incident, she learned though to 

change in the bathroom... 


this is where the fourth issue had arose..

The bathroom, too, could not be locked. 

She didn't know what to do... so she looked around

and found an upstairs bathroom which could be locked!

Hallelujah! There was a savior!

However, with God only knows how many families 

were living in the house...

This one bathroom with a lock was almost always occupied. 

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