Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Timeless Times

 She was trying to get as comfortable as she could

with her current living situation, 

but something was just deeply profoundly off.

She couldn't really put her finger on it, 

but what she could definitely see was

the energy of it.

Sometimes, there really wasn't anything to actually see,

but instead, it needed to be felt. 


And here she was, in a nice big room, 

with no closet and no lock on the doors.

And for some reason, something just wasn't allowing

her to settle. 

She had been in the room 3 days now and 

still, something wasn't allowing her to find her peace.

Earlier in the day, she had went out to find 

a coffee house and her GPS lead her to 

one that was 14 minutes away on Bike. 

However, when she got there.. 

The road was so under construction that it was hard 

to even cross it. 

Then when she got there, the coffee house

 was no where to be found. 

So she took it as a sign. 

Her location was not in alignment with her 

true energetic needs and desires. 

She was in the wrong city. 

So she picked up her phone and text the lady 

she had found the other day. 

And they agreed to her next soul's journey 


When she got to the city with the lady and her daughter,

everything began to flow for her again.

She found several jobs really close by.

And she even found all kinds of stores and businesses

within walking distance!

Unlike her last town, where she always had to ride

15 to 30 minutes just to get anywhere. 

In this town, 

everything was right next door!

And so finally,

 she felt at home once again!

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