Sunday, October 29, 2023

Season Finale...

 The Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse had finally arrived.

 All the Red Flags had been ignited! 

For her, the energies had the greatest strength

exactly at midnight the night before.. 

It was as if her magical fairytale spell had worn off, 



Back to her reality she did fall. 

She even had a real fall occur, 

as she was walking down 

some stairs. 

Out of nowhere it just happened.

She felt as if she missed a step and fell off 

of a rainbow.. 

Reality seemed to have a greater gravitational pull 

on her then her illusion delusions did.


 He had lied to her again.

This time, She caught herself though. 

Maybe that's why she fell. 

Her higher self was trying to wake herself up.

She wasn't going to destroy herself this time.

Instead, she was going to get what she 

came for and then she was going to leave. 

She began to dance once he showed up, 

but only after he bought her a drink.

Then once the drink was gone, 

so was she. 

They had left the bar together, 

but ended up going home alone.

She let him have it first though.

All the words and anger that she had been 

holding back. 

She wasn't going to allow him to hurt her anymore.

She let out all her truth.

And then she got in her cab

and went home.


The next morning she awoke

 and realized that all along she had been lying 

to herself.

No wonder the reflections she had gotten from him

were always only that.

A lie. 

She was never happy with who he was.

She didn't agree with his thieving job.

She didn't agree with his pill popping weakness.

She also didn't agree with his being a clown in a crown.

And so she accepted her truths once and for all.

It was time to acknowledge the fact that 

she did deserve what she desired.

Also, she realized during this Full Moon  Eclipse,

the deep truth within her;

That God was always the source of all 

Unconditional Love. 

And that what she allowed to happen to her was 

really a preview of what she was about to 

encounter in the real world outside of her.

And the mere fact that she had always accepted 

people who hurt her, and lied to her, 

was all just stemming from the false belief

that Love was supposed to hurt.

Which was always what she had witnessed growing up

 between all the people she had ever encountered.

Yet now, 

She had learned through experience and wisdom, 

that the real truth about Love 

was always in how she would






~The End~

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