Friday, November 10, 2023

RiSe and SHiNe...

 As much as she wanted to fool herself, 

this time, the universe wasn't going to allow it to flourish.

And so no sooner that she planted the false seed, 

No sooner it burst into flames right in front of her face. 

Actually, it was after three strikes; 

Just as she had always done things in life, 

Three strikes and it was outta there!

 Just like her fake blogs were.

And so today, the true authentic her

rose from the ashes yet again..

She had been Risen from the dead, 

and was given another chance to be born again. 

She loved writing about her experiences in this lifetime, 

because they revealed a lot to her 

about the truths she was always hiding,

 especially from herself.

Like at this very moment.. 

Even though life was flowing pretty smoothly

for her, there was one slight glitch...

Her Plutonic Twin...

She had apologized for blowing up on him 

during the Taurus Full Moon Eclipse,

which just so happened to be

the day before he was to take off again.

He said to her that he had understood her reasoning;

that it had triggered his previous

 'leaving her at critical times' 


And perhaps she had not dealt with the

left behind emotions of them and so the 

Taurus Full Moon Eclipse had helped her purge 

the built up




Unprocessed emotions.

Which of course

 had come out as if the flood gates had just burst open!

Out of which had poured all the murky waters

or in their experience, 

Hurtful words!


As she sat in one continent, 

while he sat in a totally different one... 

She wondered, 

What was to come next?

But she knew very well that she had no control

over the future.. 

and that she needed to continue to live. 

She couldn't just sit around and not move forward.

And so here in the now moment, 

she knew that she wanted to learn more about 

processing feelings and moving them forward.

She also wanted to learn more about how to communicate 

more effectively with God and herself...

So that she could then communicate more effectively

with others in turn. 

As for the Plutonic Twin, 

He was in another continent running game.

She was in this one doing the same. 

And even though they were doing

what they thought they needed to be doing..

The universe was always in control of that. 

And either they walked into their destiny  with 

the universe... 

Or they would crash into their destiny

with Mars, Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn

during the upcoming New Moon in Scorpio... 

That was the choice they both had. 

How it would come up and out..

Well, that was going  

~To Be Continued...~

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