Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Unveiled Truth

The Full Moon In Sagittarius was mere hours away,

and she was getting pretty excited!

Finally a light would be shined not only on her

feelings about the things she was doing,

but also,

 on the actual things she was choosing to do.

It was finally time for her to reveal her hidden truth!

But before she could do that, 

she had to first make space by revealing all that

 was fake about her.

So she took in a deep breath and began to 

search her Gemini mind for all the stashed


The first one she spotted was


That was the biggest one that couldn't be hid very well

because it was so out there!

She knew she was wise and knowledgeable around

the stars and planets, but she didn't really 

enjoy teaching it to people. 

Let alone giving away her secrets. 

So why did she do it for so long?

Why did she chose to put on the fake façade 

of this 

Spiritual Ava?

Was it to steer people far far away from the truth 

of her?


She had built a huge fort out of this so called 

Spiritual Journey escapade. 

She saw that now. 

Boy, when she ran with something, she gave it 

110% effort!

She was definitely no slouch. 

But what was she protecting herself from?

That was for her to know, and no one to ever find out.

The second thing she had to remove from within

her Gemini mind was the fact that she was 

Masculine Energy. 

Even though she had a masculine energetic team

within her energetics, 

she herself was definitely not 

masculine energy. 

So she finally removed from her mind, 

the very false belief  that she 

had to hunt things down. 

She knew deep down that she was never 

a hunter,

a chaser,

a pursuer,


a fighter.

And so out it all went. 

She continued to search her Gemini mind and found 

one last detail that was never her... 

A player.

She realized that when she chose to allow the

fear of commitment 

to come into her life, is when she began to 

try and control everything and everyone she ever 


She created fantasies, compulsions, and addictions

 in her Gemini Mind in order

to accept all the horrible feelings 

of not doing what she truly believed in.

So she became apathetic and allowed all her 

true feeling to get buried and clustered up within her.

Never heard.

Never felt.

Never seen.


 it had no other choice but to show up as a sickness.

It was high time that she let this 

false mask she wore to be unlatched once 

and for all. 

It was finally time for her to show her true self.

And reveal to herself and to everyone else

the truth of who God had created her to be. 


Not Yet...



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