Monday, May 27, 2024

Mud Fight

 It was Memorial Day

 and she was awake at 3:12 am...

Drinking her beer and listening to her favorite


It was who she was. 

Pisces energy all the way. 

She knew that much. 

It was just another Manic Monday... 

and she was in Spring Love... 


That was her. 

A hopeless romantic. 

But she loved it. 

And she wasn't going to change for no one. 

After the Sagittarius Full Moon, 

New truths had come running up to her like 

little children running to their mommies . 

But what was she to do with them?

That was the biggest question of all

It was something new for her. 

To really feel into a new way of being. 

A new way of moving forward. 

In truth.

In authenticity.

In gratitude, 

of all that she had in the here and now.

She began to look at all that she truly was.

She was a wonderful and creative artist. 

She was a gifted and mystical writer.

And she was also a uniquely beautiful and strong willed


But what she couldn't understand was 

that if she knew all this, 

then why did she always seek validation?

What was blocking her path?

What was she always battling?

Why couldn't she move forward?

Why was she stuck?

As tough as she tried to appear, she really wasn't.

Something had her all tied up....

Or was it just her own mind's false beliefs

which finally needed to be released?

And tonight she had finally figured it out. 

Thanks to Jupiter moving into Gemini as well as 

her hard work at healing her shadows! 

She was now free. 


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