Wednesday, May 15, 2024

X-cept You

 Ever Since the Scorpio Full Moon 


Taurus New Moon... 

Things inside her were changing up big time!

Of course she welcomed the 5D changes 

with open arms... 


the 3D changes, she couldn't let flow without

a fight. 

Her physical self still had a few more 

things to learn. 

Why did she always have to go it 

kicking and screaming? 

Was this some kind of joy for her?

The fight?

Or was it an escape?

Oh Good heavens!

There it was!

April 28th was the day of  the Mars Neptune


and she never even saw it coming!

Her hidden illusion.


Her wounded Ego assigned her Mars energy 

the duty of

battling a reflective fear!

Her own insecurity. 

This was definitely a fight no one was ever 

going to win. 

Especially not her. 

Because she didn't play that way. 

It was never her. 

She was compassion and love. 

Not hate and jealousy. 

However, the one thing she finally allowed herself 

to receive, was the fact that she had to 

first have compassion and love for herself. 

Then allow her cup to flow over.

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