Tuesday, May 7, 2024

How Now Brown Cow

 T'was the night before the New Moon in Taurus,

when all through the retirement home

Not a soul was awoken,

cuz perhaps they were dead...

Wouldn't really be a surprise, she thought. 

As she sat in a room which she was grateful for.

She contemplated her next move. 

What was she to do with herself?

She knew very well, that in her life,

she had always looked down on herself.

Or did she?

She realized that maybe she wasn't lost because 

she didn't know who she was.

But perhaps, maybe...

Just maybe... 

She was lost because all she did was fight...

She began to realize that maybe she 

was always fighting for approval, when really 

she never needed it. 

But what if... 

What if the approval she was seeking 

was always a fight because it really wasn't the 

truth of her. 

Maybe she had accepted a false reality,

and now was trying to pawn it off as her own?


What a lifetime of gas lighting could do?


That was her reality.

Always being the target of gas lighting. 

So what was she to do?

Should she allow it to run her?

To ruin her?

Or could she wake up?

And smell the roses?

She knew that the truth of her 

was always in her.

Deep within her.

God knew her truth. 

And today, during the New moon in Taurus,

she was going to plant the seed. 

The seed of revelation.

Revelation to the truth of her and who she 

truly came here to be. 


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