Friday, July 5, 2024

Queen Conscious

The Cancer New Moon was about to bring her home!

And she was so totally ready for it. 

She didn't hate anyone. 

In fact, it was quite the opposite. 

She had finally learned that in order to find true 


all it took was her loving herself first.

And this is exactly what she had learned ever since 

October 27th 2023.

That was the night she had finally awoken 

to the truth. 

The truth that she had been playing King all along. 

Even though she wanted to find a true King 

to connect to, she never realized that she had been 

in KING mode ever since only God knows when.

And Back in October, 

she had finally been hit with her final farewell. 

But of course, 

it took a lot more then that one hit to loosen 

her grip on her one biggest fear. 

It actually took a whole 'nother round of 

beating after beatings

to wake her up. 

But now, since she had finally seen the light, 

she realized it was time for her to go. 

To go back to the truth of who she truly was. 

She was ready. 

And so she began today to not only set her intentions

with the new Moon in Cancer... 

But she actually acted upon them. 

Set them in motion. 

And she was now totally ready. 

Ready to finally move forward,

rather than backwards. 

And she did it with her twin flame. 

Her true Twin Flame. 

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