Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 "The wall is undefeated, little Retard."

After she read those words, she couldn't help but giggle.


But then she straightened herself out 

and got serious enough to really see the message

for what it truly was. 

The Truth. 

As she looked over her previous blogs, 

she recognized one thing. 

In all of her blogs, she was always putting herself down.

Saying she wasn't good enough just yet. 

Not until just one more thing...

It was always just one more thing. 

With each passing planetary rotation, there was 

always one more thing to fix in her. 

But really... 


There wasn't. 

She was perfect as she was in the here and now. 

And she loved herself for who she was.

And who she was growing into. 

She realized that at this point in time, 

it was time for her to just stop trying to improve

anything else. 

And just start to live again. 


No more was she going to delay or hold herself back

in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. 

She was retarded no more. 

And she had her Plutonic twin to thank for this Revelation.

This Reflection. 

And so

It was time for her to Begin Again. 

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