Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saved by the Pegasus

 She wanted to release all her resentments. 

And she was going to do it here... 

Right here.. 

Right Now!

She resented leaving her room in Virginia. 

She had a job lined up and she feared becoming 


so she made herself homeless by leaving. 

She resented getting back together with a guy

 who never loved her, 

and kept leaving her hanging all 

because of his addiction to fear. 

She resented going out with a guy fearfully,

only to deceive herself  in the end by having 

a guy who wasn't even an option chime in 

on her phone right as she was with the guy who 

could have been an option. 

She resented leaving her room that was near a beautiful 

park and stores. 

And she resented losing so many cars to 

all these immature guys who didn't 

even have a car, or their own place. 

She resented losing a job as a manager to 

please a guy who didn't even like her. 

As well as giving up her studio 

apartment all because he was the man and he wanted 

her to be beneath him. 

Why did she ever allow herself to believe such 


Why did she always do this? 

And then it hit her. 

She was trying to please society standards. 

The old stories of Adam and Eve.

She realized that she had fallen prey to 

the idea of pleasing an external god, Known as authority,

 rather than 

the true Internal God, 

Known as sovereign authority.

She realized also that because she had chosen to 
believe in this external god idea, 
that it had caused her to stray from the truth that she 
always knew deep within her. 
That her connection to God 
came through the Holy Spirit, which was in her 
And only she could access that through 
how she felt and moved it into 
her values. 

  And so it was time. 

Time to release all the resentments

 that had been tied to this external authority false belief. 

During this Mars Uranus Algol conjunction, 

She was going to set her intention once and for all.

To hop on the back of the Glorious Pegasus 

that was coming around

in order to Begin Again!


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