Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 The story was coming to a close 

and finally she was able to look back over it

with a clear vision. 

From her perspective of course. 

She knew that yes, there was always two sides 

to every story,

But she was only in control of her side. 

And so it went like this. 

When she met him, 

she was only looking for two things, 

A cute guy who was looking for a one night stand

just like her in order to rebound from 

a previous affair. 

After the deed had been successful, 

she sealed the deal by giving him the cold hard truth

that it was indeed a one night stand for her.

She went home after that and made 

the biggest mistake of her life. 

She actually picked up the phone when 

he text her anyways. 


4 Years Later

She had finally realized exactly what he had done.


The whole time. 

That's all it ever was. 

She saw it all clear as day now. 

With Neptune retrograde in Pisces, 

she also saw exactly where she had a false belief

that took her all the way around the Mulberry Bush. 

But she didn't regret any of it. 

It only made her stronger. 

She realized that this boy 

was "thee boy"

who was finally able to wake her up.

She saw that she really needed to get herself

out of her false mindset prison.

Before it was too late. 

And so really, 

She had him to thank for coming into her life

and completely putting everything 

into a clear perspective. 

After she woke up, 

she saw it clearly that he was 

all of her ex's in one body. 

And with each ex, there was always 

some false belief around how she was treating herself.

With the first one it was all about 

not respecting all the things she loved to do. 

Her kind and loving nature being taken 

for granted. 

Her strength and bravery never being seen. 

And it was done by her, to herself. 

He was just a reflection.


With the second guy,

it was all about daddy issues, and not being able to 

release the grip on the toxic ex all because of 

having children together. 

She hated him for the way he would use her

and then run off to meet his ex. 

But in reality, 

it was her who did it to herself. 

Guy number three, 

was all about not even liking one thing about her. 

He wanted to change everything about her. 

And she actually allowed his words to be 

like the voice of God. 

She began to change everything about herself.

All to please this guy who never even liked 

her in the first place. 

And so she ended up so lost. 

After she left this guy, 

who didn't even care, 

She realized she was becoming more and more 


She started to hate all men and just 

wanted to use them 

Zero feelings Zero Emotions. 

That's who she became. 

She moved up to Virginia to run away from it all.

But really, she was running from this 

false persona she had become. 

But of course, 

she was not aware of all this just yet. 

She was still running. 

And so once in Virginia, 

she had began the game of 

Master Manipulator... 

And she racked up quite a game. 

Until of course a sickness stopped her 

dead in her tracks. 

Almost dead. 

She had survived. 

And so she wanted to turn over a new leaf. 

And this is where she met 

who she had been trying to run away from. 

He fake persona.

He was reflecting to her all of her brokenness.

And she never caught on at the time... 


she tried to fix him.

Or she would go to others and want to fix them.

But never did she think to 

begin to fix herself. 

Until the one day when

there was no other option left. 

And so here she sat today, 

finally seeing the whole story for what it truly was. 

And she finally allowed herself to see 

exactly how far she had come. 

She was really learning a lot. 

She had finally learned what feelings were.

How to move them into values. 

Her Values and not what others put on her. 

She also learned what it meant to 

be the feminine role in a relationship rather than

battling men from a masculine mindset. 

She was also learning the art of open

and honest communication. 

It wasn't easy, but it was really worth it. 

And last but not least, 

She was finally learning about the truth of God 

and His Holy Spirit. 

Because little did she know, 

when she was born, she knew God, 

but as she grew up, 

she fell away... 

into the hands of Familiar Spirits... 

And so she needed to 




(Please come watch this video, 

it's a sermon by a wonderful pastor, RC Blakes Jr.,

On the topic of getting delivered from Familiar Spirits)

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