Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Got me Stuck

"It's the way you move... 

I knew I would stay with you 

After just one touch... "

What was it about those lyrics that just awoke her... ?

She had to wonder. 

She knew everything in life was a sign. 

Nothing was coincidence.

Everything was planned.

By her. 

And by her higher self.

So what was it about this song lyric? 

And why Mars?

Especially right now?

Mars being in Cancer. 

The sign where she had collapsed as a child. 

Okay, maybe not collapsed... 

But definitely shut down. 



And now, perhaps... 

It was time to wake up.

Maybe this was the key. 

The key she needed. 

In order to move on. 

But move on from what?

It was so hard. 

To even see it for what it really was. 

Two different worlds. 

Two different lives. 

And now it was time.

Time for her to make a decision.

A choice.

One that would change it all. 

Now and Forever.

But Could she do it?

Let go of the old for something completely new?

She knew it was time. 

"If you must go... I wish you luck"

She knew , that yes, it was time

 that she went her 'separate way.'


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