Sunday, September 8, 2024

Free At Last

The hardest thing for her to do, was to 

not respond to him. 

And even though she messed up and responded, 

she almost immediately also blocked him.

What came up for her was a lot. 

Not only did she realize his game. 

But she also finally realized that he was an addict.

How could she have been so blind?

He really had a huge problem. 

He was only 25 but he was so deep into pills

that really it was only a matter of time. 

She really could not be that person. 

Who watched another person disintegrate.

Didn't he know anything about her?

Obviously not. 

But perhaps that was her own fault. 

She had played fake identity for so long... 

and with so many people. 

But not anymore. 

She couldn't continue.

It was time to be true. 

No more narcissism.

No more abuse.

 No more self hatred. 

It was time for her to be real.

She was Love. 

She was Kindness. 

She was Peace. 

She was Joy.

She had no room in her for anything else.

 And so she let it all go as she walked the Earth 

No more would she agree to anything else

except that which related to Love and Peace. 

Life was too short for anything else. 

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