Thursday, September 12, 2024

Burnin' it Down

 It was time to be real. 

She's been seeing this guy for a while. 

But she kept him a secret because she knew 

there where those who wished her demise.

So she kept quiet for as long as she needed. 

However, with the new developments growing as they were,

she could no longer keep it a secret. 

She had found the dream she had been dreaming. 

The king to her castle was now standing 

before her... 

Kneeling before her. 

She didn't know what she would say... 

It was such the surprise, that she needed time. 

Time to think it through...

Would she say yes? 

Could She? 

This was the biggest test she had to endure.

Did she really know what she deserved?


Was she going to allow it to be hers? 

She knew what she wanted. 

And yes,

She was going to get it. 

She knew that much. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Got me Stuck

"It's the way you move... 

I knew I would stay with you 

After just one touch... "

What was it about those lyrics that just awoke her... ?

She had to wonder. 

She knew everything in life was a sign. 

Nothing was coincidence.

Everything was planned.

By her. 

And by her higher self.

So what was it about this song lyric? 

And why Mars?

Especially right now?

Mars being in Cancer. 

The sign where she had collapsed as a child. 

Okay, maybe not collapsed... 

But definitely shut down. 



And now, perhaps... 

It was time to wake up.

Maybe this was the key. 

The key she needed. 

In order to move on. 

But move on from what?

It was so hard. 

To even see it for what it really was. 

Two different worlds. 

Two different lives. 

And now it was time.

Time for her to make a decision.

A choice.

One that would change it all. 

Now and Forever.

But Could she do it?

Let go of the old for something completely new?

She knew it was time. 

"If you must go... I wish you luck"

She knew , that yes, it was time

 that she went her 'separate way.'


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Free At Last

The hardest thing for her to do, was to 

not respond to him. 

And even though she messed up and responded, 

she almost immediately also blocked him.

What came up for her was a lot. 

Not only did she realize his game. 

But she also finally realized that he was an addict.

How could she have been so blind?

He really had a huge problem. 

He was only 25 but he was so deep into pills

that really it was only a matter of time. 

She really could not be that person. 

Who watched another person disintegrate.

Didn't he know anything about her?

Obviously not. 

But perhaps that was her own fault. 

She had played fake identity for so long... 

and with so many people. 

But not anymore. 

She couldn't continue.

It was time to be true. 

No more narcissism.

No more abuse.

 No more self hatred. 

It was time for her to be real.

She was Love. 

She was Kindness. 

She was Peace. 

She was Joy.

She had no room in her for anything else.

 And so she let it all go as she walked the Earth 

No more would she agree to anything else

except that which related to Love and Peace. 

Life was too short for anything else. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Fight KLuB

 It had all finally come together... 

The Holy Spirit had finally succeeded in getting 

her to see the truth,

the whole truth, 

and nothing but the truth. 

It was the final countdown before two of 

the biggest events were to occur and really shake things up! 

Uranus turning Retrograde as well as Pluto jumping head first back into 

Capricorn all on the same day, September 1st, 2024,

was definitely making her feel all the pressure!

As she was trying to stay open to the massive changes 

streaming in, she realized that it definitely was bringing up 

a whole lot of old family wounds. 

No communication skills what so ever. 

and they didn't even care to learn a new way. 

They just kept going as if everything was the way it 

should be. 

But to her,

 sickness was definitely not a sign that 

everything was in accordance with God's

 Love, Peace, and Harmony. 

Who were these people she grew up with? 

Where was their faith?

Why were they all heading into the slaughter 

and wanting to drag her with them!  

No thank you. 

She knew she knew better then that. 

She knew the Holy Spirit. 

She had called him in often and repented her sins on a 

daily basis. 

Which in her family the word 'God' used to be a word of 

threat or manipulation. 

How Horrible she thought. 

She really had to begin to consider what she truly needed

 in order to move it on up. 

But she had also learned not to write it out anymore. 

No one was going to derail her anymore. 

She was learning to protect herself 

with God's word, 

and Holy Spirit. 

As well as be in her own Sovereign Authority!

She also was learning to let go of all the narcissistic

ways she would treat herself all because 

her entire family had mastered the art of it. 

To the point that they couldn't even see it,

 just as she couldn't for the longest time. 

At least Not without her Plutonic Twin.

But she was now strengthening.

She learned and accepted  

God and the Holy spirit as her guide in this life.

Not others. 

She was also learning a lot about the false beliefs  

that had always been spinning around her in life.

She was with the wrong clan.

The wrong tribe. 

And she had finally realized that when she chose to 

love herself and have boundaries. 

These people, 

didn't agree. 

Instead they mocked her and belittled her,

But this time...

She wasn't fighting. 

She realized that she didn't need to prove anything.

Not to them, 

not to the world, 

and not even to herself.

She knew who she was. 

And she was Magic. 

It was time to own it. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Infinite Desires on Fire

 The 888 Portal was happening all around the world...

And she knew it was calling to her. 

And so she answered back. 


Yes was her answer. 

But what was the question?

Did she deserve what she dreamed of?

And the answer of course was,


Yes she did. 

And so she set it into motion. 

First by cutting off a Limbo Lingering Past connection.

Being in Limbo Land was definitely not 

her cup of tea! 

Let alone something 

she ever thought she would find herself in.

However, here she was,

 10 months into one,

but no no no no\NO! 


She was definitely not the type of person 

to actually allow herself to stay in it. 

She knew her worth. 

She felt it. 

But that Unconditional false belief of hers 

sometimes managed to over ride her 

internal truth. 

The truth that she was Love. 

But not stupid Love.

Not Punch Drunk Love. 

No No No! 

Definitely not her. 

And so she finally allowed herself to cut it off. 

For good. 

Bye Bye Forgotten. 

Moving on. 

And so, in the light of the 888 Lions Gate Portal, 

she allowed herself the benefit 

of compassion and forgiveness, 


then she began planting her new seeds. 

She was going to finally attract her true Venus Desires! 

Because she knew she was worth it. 

And that she really deserved it. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Win Her

As she sat in front of her computer typing away,

listening to her favorite Spanish Songs, 

she took a sip of her favorite beer.

The New Moon in Leo was happening in 5 hours 

and she was ready. 

There was only one small lingering question though.

This one small question that 

dared to linger more then expected

in her brain.

The question of How Long?

How Long what? 

That was the question... 

The unanswered question. 

Unanswered because she had yet to see it


So what was she referring to?

Passed lovers. 

She realized that every ex she had, 

was aging. 

Faster than her. 

And she was the older one. 

By birth. 

By date. 

But definitely not by life. 

She was the one living. 

The rest of them had given up.

Given in.

Except one... 

She wondered what was happening to this one. 

He was definitely getting the crap 

kicked out of him.

That was a given.

And even though he would


by default, 

she could see that his true victory 

was lost. 

He was lost. 

She saw it in his eyes. 

Something in her contracted. 

She couldn't trust him. 

He had lied so many times, it was pointless. 

Besides, He was the man. 

And he had chosen his path. 

And it definitely did not include her.

As hard as that was to swallow. 

She forgave him. 

For everything. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Hidden Request

It was 2 Days before the New Moon in Leo

was going to unveil to her 

where she had hid the Key... 

The Key to her very own Heart. 

But it was up to her to actually pay attention.

To be Aware.

And to actually Breathe. 

Did she even know how to do that though?

No doubt she was breathing, 

but was she Really breathing though? 

Or was she waiting to exhale?

Sometimes it was just easier for her to hold her


She caught herself several times in life breathing 

quite differently then all the others. 

It was as if she was afraid to fit in.

Because she knew damn well that she didn't. 

Never did. 

Never will. 

Because she never wanted to. 

But so then what did she want?

That was the question of the day.

The question of the year. 

The century!

She could talk circles. 

She could talk about so much nothing 

forever if she had to. 

And she almost did.. 

But it seems she was out of time.

It was now or never. 

It was finally time to stop talking sh*t... 


Begin talking Truth.

The whole truth and nothing but the truth. 

But could she?

Should she?

Would she? 

But so she gave it a thought and figured that this time,

she was going to try. 

The question always looming was 

What did she want?

She wanted to Not Be Wrong. 

All her life, 

it was this very FEAR 

that she made 

her one and only Goal,

But little did she know, 

A FEAR was NEVER meant to be 

a GOAL. 

She had taken the 6 biggest helpers in her life


and turned her back on them. 

Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, and Venus

were the ones who held the Key 

that she had always needed 

to open doors for her in this lifetime.

But she turned her back on them. 

So now, 

If she was to stop babbling lie after lie, 

what would she truly want?

For herself?

And so she thought for a second, 

and then took out her natal chart. 

She took a long hard glance at it and then began to write, 

Being a Twin Flame Energy, 

I will take care and always value myself 

and all the great gifts God had gifted in me. 

I am my own cheerleader and do not need 

anyone to validate me, 

because by being who God made me 

and shining my light daily

is validation enough that I am worth


The relationship I have with God and myself 

is my attraction to all that I am. 

I will practice discernment 

in everything I choose to go towards,

and will one day 

attract my own reflection in a life partner to share 

my vision and values with.

For this is my Goal in this lifetime. 

To love  and respect another as much as 

I love and respect myself, 

And them reciprocating the same in equal return to me. 

When she finished writing it, 

she felt so naked.

So vulnerable... 

She couldn't believe she was going to finally be 

so honest. 

But she realized something... 

She really didn't care what anyone would think. 

She knew what she wanted and who she was. 

And that was enough for her. 

She knew now, 


Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Venus

were all right by her side, 

leading, guiding, and helping her every step of the way. 

And with that, 

she felt absolutely safe, valued, confident, and Loved

in every which way!

And now the Key... 

Would she be granted with the Key?

The one she Lost? 

Find out in 2 Days! 

As would she...