Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Birth Day

 The Gemini Full Moon had just come to pass

and as it passed her by 

it left her with a sore throat and a slight cough

that left her short of breath.

Being the Spiritual Healer that she was, 

she decided to dig in and dissect her own self imposed 


A sore throat and slight cough represented 

something that was hard to swallow,

yet needed to be heard, understood, and then accepted. 

So just what exactly was she trying so hard to not hear?

As she sat back and allowed herself to meditate,

something came to her. 

Instead of pushing it aside like she always used to. 

This time, she allowed it to open up. 

And up came;







A Challenge to Trust.

All of these came up front and center.

And she honestly couldn't ignore them.

They were all true. 

She had been doing every single one of them

since April 2021.

Why was she doing this to herself?

Better yet, why was she still allowing it to continue?

Because she was doing it to herself. 

And she was her own authority. 

And because it was 


Not anymore though. 

She had finally caught on!

She didn't deserve this kind of life. 

And she didn't have to live it as such. 

She was in charge of the story. 

Just cuz she didn't know what else there was,

didn't mean she couldn't be open to something New!

She didn't have to control everything. 

God was in control. 

And she was finally beginning to see the light!

What a Breakthrough!

The Gemini Full Moon had finally birthed her into 

a new world! 

Glory be God! 

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