Friday, December 1, 2023

Rebel Heart

The song Change on me by Cynthia

Came into her mind and played between her ears. 
She began to feel a bit uncomfortable 
but then allowed it to flow anyways.

She saw herself sitting in a room, 
headset on, drinking beer, 
while the guy she was supposed to be with was 
ignoring her and sitting in the living room
watching tv. 
They had broken up, but since they lived together,
there was no escaping it, 
except to hide out in separate rooms.

This type of scenario didn't happen just once... 
It seems that with every single relationship she ever had, 
she was bringing along this same pattern. 

Then all of a sudden, 
a vision of her mom and dad came to mind.
Her mom in one room, 
Her dad in another. 
Living together 
but not together... 
Till Death did them part. 

But so...
Why did she choose to carry this pattern?
She knew very well that she NEVER agreed with it. 
She knew her parents were not right to do it. 
Even if physically and mentally it seemed legit... 
She could always feel the energy of it. 
It was not LOVE. 
Far from it.

And so she looked at her life in the here and now. 
She was alone. 
She was single. 
But yet... 
She was holding onto an energy that wasn't hers. 
And what was this energy? 
As she took a minute to examine the energy, 
she realized it was a fear. 
A fear of being abandoned. 
A fear of not being wanted. 
And so she held onto this energy that always called 
him back. 
But he was happy. 
Happy without her. 
And that was okay. 
True love always wanted happiness of others.
But true love was also happy with themselves. 
And so
 as she looked at the energy that she didn't want to give back... 
She realized that she didn't need it. 
She didn't want to live in an energy like her parents did.
Together for the sake of being together, 
yet not really together in an energy of love. 
And she couldn't continue to live
this type of life. 
She didn't want to. 
So she set an intention...
And she let go of the energy that wasn't hers,
with love. 


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