Saturday, November 25, 2023

Esteemed as Such..

It was down to one more day and a half... 

And the Gemini Full Moon was going to BLAST her!

Just like they do in Gossip Feeds...

The Gemini Full Moon was going to finally reveal 

to her what she's been trying to see all her life!

However, today, she was already getting a 

mighty huge revelation anyways. 

She wondered... 

What about her screamed, 


Cuz it seemed like ever since she had met her

Plutonic Twin, that's all 

that was being thrown at her. 

From every single encounter!

Today was the last straw though. 

She really wanted to get to the root of this 

false accusation that she was now too tired to defend.


She was listening to an RC Blake's Video today

that actually shed a little light on her current situation. 

He mentioned that a woman who was



Had Low Self-esteem,

was always going to attract 


He said it was like Blood in water...


Sounded serious. 

She began to evaluate her current situation.. 

Was she needy?

Not really no. 

She had just passed up on one date offer 

last weekend, and just yesterday 

received another invite from a brand new dude. 

The strange thing though... 

Was that she wasn't even looking. 

So how was she attracting them?

Her radar wasn't turned on... 

Or was it?


She did have a slight glitch in her relationship skills.

Maybe, she was just now realizing that even when she wasn't 

looking, she was emitting a certain energy. 

And so today,

She realized that she was afraid to say 'no' 

to men in the now moments. 

And so she would give her number to them,


let them down gently once they text her. 

But each time, the dudes would ask her for 

a one night stand instead. 

How in the world did that come about?

If the dudes were able to...


There it was... 

Because she had a fear of saying 'no' and standing up

for what she wanted... 

This was called Low Self-esteem.


What a break through. 

But so now the bigger question remained... 

How was she going to work up the balls

to say 'no' to their faces?

Especially since she didn't have balls. 

She was a feminine woman... 

Or at least was working on becoming one... 

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