Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Chaser Done Fell...

Thanksgiving Day it was... 

and the day had surely begun a bit slowly.

She was feeling loneliness creep up in her that morning, 

yet she tried real hard not to let it.

However the only way she was able to do that

was to first accept it. 

So as she sat there taking pictures of her lonely morning,

and then posting them, 

she realized that  by accepting it for what is was, 

her day actually began to lift.

She continued to focus on what she valued,

and realized that her day kept leading to 

better and better outcomes!

By the days end, 

she was sitting with a new friend enjoying 

laughs and her favorite television show!

She had allowed herself to make a new friend!
And it really made her feel free!

Free from the old karmic cycle,

where she had been treated like she didn't matter 

or made felt like she wasn't worth anything..

That she wasn't worth a real conversation.

And so as she sat there with her new best friend

watching and laughing at her favorite show Friends. 

In chimed her Plutonic Ex.

All he wrote was 

"How is it going?"


That wasn't enough for her to open the message. 

The last conversation she had had with him 

was about how she wanted more then what he was offering.

But just what exactly was he offering?

"Someone to talk to when he had no one else to talk to."

That's not what she wanted or needed though. 

And if he didn't know this by now...

The he never would. 

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