Saturday, November 18, 2023

NoW or NeveR

As she went to his page hoping to find growth,

she was hit rather hard by yet again 

another great disappointment. 

She was an opportunist. 

She wanted to believe in miracles.

But to her dismay, he was far far away

 from being a worthy cause.

He was still posting nothing but repeat bullsh*t.

One negative post after another at a time, 

always about how things sucked.

How things were not living up to his standards.

How he was always the king 

of everything worthless he was visiting

 and choosing to do.

When was he going to realize that the life he 

was seeing before him,

was the very life he himself was creating.

Perhaps it was time for him to change his thoughts?

Change his mindset?

Change what he chose to believe?

Or did he really want to believe that everything

was really out of his control?

That he was just a victim to it all?

It was finally time to wake up. 


It was time to go to sleep...


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