Wednesday, November 15, 2023

See Saw it

After writing her blog this morning 

about the Scorpio New moon accident

and then re-evaluating it this afternoon... 

She saw something a little differently about 

the entire incident. 

If she allowed herself to see the story 

from an even deeper perspective,

she saw that the guy riding the bicycle slowly 

in front of her, 

represented her masculine energy.

The Masculine energy being the actions she took

on a daily basis. 

And the women behind her walking without a care

represented her feminine energy.

The Feminine energy being her ability to 

nurture herself and have compassion and self love 

for herself. 

The fact that they were disconnected

and both going their separate ways, 

really explained why she had the accident 

in the first place. 

Not caring about being connected 

to God and who he had made her 

not only manifested before her as

 a slow moving masculine 

and a care less feminine without direction..

But the energies thereof resulted in 

life not working for her in the present moment.


Talk about breakthroughs!

So now the only real question was... 

How to go about working on her relationship

with God, herself , and then others. 

As well as how to realign her feminine and masculine 

energies so she could manifest better 

things then no gain, only pain, and always accidents. 

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