Thursday, December 21, 2023

Home is where the Heart is

"Come Home..."

Those were his words that echoed 

through her mind ever since he wrote them. 

She had heard herself say those very same words 

to her own frequency just the other day. 

She wondered... 

In life, when the energy frequency of masculine

and feminine finally came together.. 

Was it then time to bring the masculine and feminine 

body together?

And even if it was.. 

Cuz she did feel it as such..


shouldn't the masculine be pursuing the feminine?

As she thought about this way too much,

she kept coming up to roadblocks. 

He was there.

She was here. 

He was living the life he always wanted. 

Yet, so was she over where she was.

He was a coach and a fighter.

He had a huge house and lived only minutes from the beach. 

Life for him was exactly as he wished. 

Yet, she was a winter girl. 

She loved the cold. 

And she loved the snow.

Already, she could tell that they were pretty misaligned.


he had asked her to come home. 

And she really did not feel comfortable with 

the request. 

Just like in all romance novels, she too was a princess

not yet ready to jump ship. 

But maybe that's because she wasn't a princess. 

Maybe she had graduated into a queen and had

finally learned what it meant to listen to her heart

and soul. 

It's not that she didn't feel connected to his soul, 


 it was his mind that she didn't agree with.

His mind was always saying he wanted to kill 

and take souls. 

His mind was always saying he wanted to smuggle drugs 

and he enjoyed using them.

His mind was also always saying things like

men were the only ones allowed to cheat, 

women were not and were only allowed to be slaves

to men. 

These were some really nasty mental realities that she was 

seeing clearly being posted proudly by 

this man who supposedly wanted her to 

"come home"? 

How blind did he think she was? 

She saw all of it. 

Clear as day. 

But so then why was she still even connected to him?

Why wasn't she just cutting it lose and setting it free?

And so this is what she had to make an oath to herself to.

Did she really want to be hooked to someone 

who had a mind like his?

And she knew the answer almost immediately.


No she did not. 

And so during this day of planting new seeds 

for New beginnings... 

She took her seed of Hope Deferred 

and fed it to her Guinea Pig. 

It was now high time for her to begin again

with God.

And that was the first seed she had planted 

for herself in a really long time. 

But It gave her peace and joy to finally give herself

something she really wanted. 

A second chance at life and Love.

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