Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

 It was the day of the Full Moon in Cancer. 

And she was expecting some sort of huge explosion


 the day turned out to be very quiet. 

She scratched her head in wonderment... 

If during the New Moon in Cancer,

 back in July,

she planted the seed of boundaries... 

Had she succeeded?


Just the day before,

 both her mother and Plutonic ex

both connected with her and both threw some 

pretty nasty vibes at her... 

Yet she didn't take the bait and she didn't fight back.

She had finally achieved the pure peaceful feeling

that came from the I don't give a f*ck mindset... 

Yet, she wondered.. 

Was she really free?

Had she really won?

Had she really evolved?

She didn't feel like it. 

She felt like she had done once again what she always 


Wallpapered over the cockroaches. 

No wonder her stomach was growing so huge. 

There was no more space left in her energetic field 

for this kind of buffoonery.

It was almost the end of 2023 and she knew damn well 

that she wouldn't be able to fit through the door

of 2024 if she didn't do what she was supposed to do

in order to get rid of the cockroaches. 

RC Blakes had said it today in his message. 

You have to go cold Turkey. 

Cut them off completely. 

Block them from everything. 

And erase them from your mind by moving forward

through healing.

And so she thought about it once and for all..

Was it time? 

Was it really time to set her house on fire?

It was the only way to get rid of all the roaches

she had already wallpapered over. 

Wasn't it?


Maybe not.. 

Maybe she should just leave it up to Chiron,

 the wounded healer

Chiron was Retrograde in Aries

and was about to go direct.. 

She figured she may as well allow it to spark the match!

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