Monday, January 1, 2024

Self Invention

It was the first day of a brand New Year 

and she

awoke feeling so heavy and so burdened. 

There was a discomfort in her chest that made 

her feel as if her heart wanted to expand way

beyond it's original allotted space.

She had a huge headache that just wouldn't quit

and by mid day, her body temperature had risen 

a few degrees. 

She wondered what was running through her body

and what was it trying to tell her.

So she sat down and meditated by journaling. 

 As she went through her current days interactions, 

She began to see that in her life, she was a

toxic empath. 

She was always trying to help fix people 

as a way of serving,

 yet  she was always putting herself on hold. 

And so today, when Venus was squaring Saturn in Pisces, 

she knew she had to set her boundaries in place. 

There was going to be 

no more ignoring the hurts she was allowing her 

actions of being nice to others yet making herself anxious,

resentful, and unhappy to keep draining her. 

It was time for her to get out from between worlds. 

She had to make a decision today or else

suffer the consequences. 

She decided today that she was going to

 block those people out of her life

who could never respond to her or be supportive.

She also blocked those who left her hanging 

on empty promises

that were never intended to be fulfilled.

She realized it was all an energetic cord 

and it was a pattern. 

These people came every week or two. 

But they always came when they knew she had energy. 

They watched her on social media.

and waited for the perfect timing. 

As soon as she built up her energy, 

they swooped in and attached their energetic


Draining her with their insensitivity and 

sarcastic demeaning humor. 

She couldn't take it anymore.

And she wouldn't!

Today was the last day that she was going to allow 

them the opportunity to play her.

Today was the day she put up her boundaries

and really meant it. 

God and 

her heart came first. 

Not other people's happiness.

She was finally done being a Toxic Empath!

So she set new goals in place to practice

putting up boundaries and saying no. 

And she also set goals to put into practice

loving God and herself first. 

Really listening to her feelings and intuition. 

And not confusing other people's tragedies as her own. 

The New Year was about to get better

because she was determined to be her best self!

That was her resolution for this New Year.

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