Tuesday, December 12, 2023

MagiCaL Illusionist

The New Moon in Sagittarius was only hours away,

and she was beginning to see the truth 

to a lot of things in her life.

And the truth was always within her grasp, 


she always overlooked it because she was 

too busy looking out there. 

People would tell her, 

"it's right in front of you. 

The answer. 

Is right there. 

In front of you". 

Yet she would look out there. 

Not in front of her. 

Way out there! 

Into the future where she had no idea 

what was to come. 

So she fantasized what she wanted to see.

Then she ignored all the red flags that were always

right in front of her. 

Because it never matched what she was imagining. 

And this is where she became a master 


She was always doing things to change 

whatever didn't match her vision.

However, she kept running into a wall. 

A wall of truth. 

The one truth that could never 

be shook. 

That could never be glossed over... 

And that truth was God's truth,

 that there was always free will.

And with free will, 

no one could be changed, unless they themselves

wanted that. 

There was no magic trick that could put a spell

over anyone who did not want to believe it. 

And so... 

She finally saw the truth 

during the Energies of The Sagittarius New Moon.

The truth that she had been walking in circles

around a huge wall called 

Her Illusion!

Her intuition was always with her though..

She just never opened up to listen

to it. 

She would shush it every time.

However, it was definitely getting harder and harder

to ignore it these days. 

Her team of guides were now helping her intuition 

and every time she was playing blind, 

Her team would open her eyes

in all the ways that couldn't be ignored! 

Sickness, accidents, and even near death!

But she knew very well that, 

Death was something never to be toyed with. 

One day,

He would come... 

and there would be no going back. 

The boy that cried wolf, 

eventually got eaten..

It was time for her to wake up!

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