Thursday, December 14, 2023

Strategy Leads

She was out hiking, which she had really been 

craving as of late, especially since it was almost

that dreaded winter out.

To her surprise, there was a beautiful set up of 

Christmas lights all throughout the park she was at.

She was so happy and grateful, especially since she didn't

have a Christmas tree up yet.

So it was nice to get inspired!

As she was taking pictures of all the beauty around her,

a message popped in. 

It read;

"How's the business going?" 

Her heart sank. 

It was from her Plutonic Twin. 

She welcomed her sinking heart and asked it

why it felt the way it did. 

Her heart told her she wanted a greeting. 

That she deserved a greeting. 

Hello, Hi, Good evening.

Any of them would have sufficed. 

But she didn't get any of those. 

She only got an interest in her financial success. 

It wasn't enough for her to open the door. 

She was learning lately that her masculine

and feminine energies needed to work together. 

And so as she was looking at the message from her 

Plutonic twin, instead of responding, 

she closed up the message and left it on read. 


Because she was respecting her feminine energy

for the first time since a long long time ago. 

It's not that she didn't have feelings for her Plutonic twin.

However, she was only responsible for herself


 how much she valued herself. 

How much she listened to her own feminine needs and desires. 

And she knew she wasn't a teacher here to change


She was finally taking people at face value. 

If her Plutonic twin was the type of guy who didn't 

give greetings to women... 

Then she knew she couldn't change that about him. 

And to her, a greeting was important because it showed

interest, respect, and honor.

Clearly the only thing he was after, 

was to see if she was succeeding or failing 

so that he could either

 feed his own Pride and Ego


begin working on breaking her confidence down.  

Well not anymore. 

She was leveling up. 

He would have to meet her there from now on, 

cuz she wasn't going to go back down anymore. 

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