Saturday, December 2, 2023

Take the Lead

She was standing on the side of the dance floor,

waiting for a good song to carry her into 

a dancing frenzy.

Not even 2 minutes into her beer drinking,

guys were coming up to her and standing

right next to her. 

Her intuitive knowing could sense them all

working up the nerve to ask her for a dance. 

One guy, with curly black hair and a tan sweater on, 

began dancing near her and then danced up to her.

She danced back until the song switched 

to the lovers' ballad. 

She thanked him then went back to the wall.

He asked again but she kindly rejected. 

She didn't do the lovers' ballad with 

anyone unless they were in love. 

Mid way through the lover's ballad, 

curly dude's friend came up to her and asked. 

She kindly rejected him too, but he wasn't taking 

'no' for an answer. 

He grabbed her by the hand and twirled her

 like a ballerina.

She had no choice at this point because she 

felt the beer spin in her head along with her body. 

The spell must have been cast at this point

because they danced two songs

before she had a chance to escape. 

She did her normal escape route;

Bathroom, then bar to buy another beer. 

Then she went back to the same spot...

Which was not like her. 

Usually she would go to the other side of the 

bar, but this time, she went back 

to square one. 

A good song came on again, and she began dancing

by herself. 

She really did enjoy dancing alone. 

However, as she was dancing... 

All of sudden she felt a hand on her sides from behind. 

As she turned around to see who was crossing 

boundary lines, 

she realized it was curly dudes friend again. 

He had hunted her down. 

She figured with such brave calculated action

came another dance at the most. 

Long night short, 

She had left the bar alone by choice. 

She never got the friends number, yet curly haired dude

had managed to give her his number and visa versa.. 

She hated this scenario though. 


Because this was always her situation in every 

relationship case. 

She realized that another baggage that she carried 

from since long long ago... 

Was indeed the baggage of always saying yes

to a guy that she really wasn't into. 

She remembered.. 

With her ex husband, she had met him  

at the liquor store with his friends in tow and 

it was really his friend she was attracted to, 

yet settled for him cuz the friend was taken.

With her second relationship, she wasn't even

 interested in him, she just settled 

because at the time she was trying to get her 

ex husband off her back.

With the third guy, she had met at a Hungarian festival, 

she was actually interested in a bouncer up by the stage,

but didn't have the confidence to flirt with him. 

And with her Plutonic twin... 

Well, his story was a bit different because 

when she had met him, she was actually 

having an affair with a married guy and was 

trying to get him out of her mind, so she 

planned a one night stand, 

which turned massively destructive! 

Needless to say, 

Here she was today, 

looking at the message from the curly haired dude. 

Was she going to do it right this time?

Was she going to be Honest and allow the baggage 

to pop open once and for all?

As a Queen...

 Like Hell she was. 

Kindly though.

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