Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Straight Up No Chaser

 Neptune was stationing to go Direct sometime tomorrow.

The planet had been retrograde in Pisces

 since June 30th of this year...

That was the day when she was sleeping in a tent

outside of a restaurant right underneath a camera 

for her security.

And that day, was the day, the 3 Musketeers came to her

and told her she was no longer allowed to 

tent there. 

She remembered asking a friend to take her to a nearby 

homeless shelter, and when she got there

it was completely full. 

Her Plutonic twin, whom she had just left the day before,

was posting pictures of a room and a bed .

She text him asking for help. 

He laughed in her face and said no. 

And she was able to see who he truly was. 

A man with no soul.

Or so she wanted to believe. 


Since Neptune had just went retrograde that very day... 

This meant that she was going to be learning a lot 

of inner truths of her false beliefs! 

If her being homeless was her reality at that time, 

Neptune was showing her how co-dependence

really worked in her present life.  

Someone was always going to get screwed. 

Co-dependence was the game of tit for tat.

And it only had one promise, 

someone would win and the other would lose.

Because without the win and lose teeter totter,

nothing would hold the relationship together.

And so, with Neptune going direct tomorrow, 

she realized that co-dependence was not LOVE.

There needed to be something more to a relationship 

in order for it to be made of Real LOVE.

And during the six months of the retrograde,

Neptune revealed to her what a relationship

 really needed in order to work.







And that is exactly what she was ready to practice. 

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