Sunday, December 17, 2023

Welcome Home

 Another guy asked her on a date. 

She was beginning to wonder... 

Were all men like this?

Like what? You ask?

Desperate for notches on the belt?

Maybe she was being too cruel and cynical in 

her thoughts, 

yet, she was only saying this because of the way they 

all chose to approach her in text. 

She was beginning to think that giving a man 

her number was a huge mistake. 

But then she would be isolating herself from 

being able to meet new people, 

So she bit her tongue on this one.

However, she did tell this new contestant

to please refrain from using words like

Baby, beautiful, and love, in his messages to her. 

They hadn't even been on one date yet and he was

knee deep in trying to impress her with her 

own qualities. 

Men really needed to understand something.

A woman was not going to be swooned and seduced 

by a man using her own qualities in his favor.

Well maybe a young naïve 20 something year old would,

but definitely not a smart, educated, 40 something 

year old queen..

She was looking more to seeing and understanding his 

qualities and what he was going to be 

bringing to the table. 

Her approval of him would depend on the fruits 

he was already producing in his life and the vision he had

for himself. 

Did she even have a part in it?

Because she knew very well that 

a woman had no purpose in a man's life

 who had no vision with her in his future.

So she was going to give this new contestant 

his first chance to make a better impression

then he did in the text asking her out.

She wasn't as mean as she sounded, honestly.

She was just tired of men who were users and abusers.

There was no more time left for her to 

play silly games with her life. 

She was ready for the real deal. 

And to attract it, she had to get real

with herself and 

what she truly wanted 


what she didn't.

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