Monday, January 29, 2024

Energetic Memories

She was listening to a song by Johnny O

called Memories,

when a vision began to come forth to her.

In her mind's eye, 

her third eye...

She saw a picture. 

A vision... 

An image of a pair of Black Angel Wings. 

On the back of a guy.

A guy she once had a secret love for. 

Secret because at that time, 

She was older by 5 years than him, 

and at the age of 19... 

Dating a 15 year old was deemed illegal. 

Then another picture came to her mind... 

The Brother. 

The Older brother of the 15 year old was a Pisces. 

Pisces, the sign of illusion delusion...

She allowed herself to travel back in time...


They were sitting by the pool. 

He began to sing for her. 

She didn't recognize the song, but she loved 

his voice and how he sang it to her. 

He seemed so much older and wiser

than his actual age.

Every time she was with him and the conversations 

they shared, she never saw a 15 year old.

She saw it that he clearly was older than her by soul. 

They shared many nights together, 

walking and talking. 

Just sharing all their fears and wishes

with each other. 


The day his older brother got out of Juvie.

She remembers having a total hate for this brother,

since the first time they met. 

She didn't know why her hate for him was so strong,

But she felt it come from a soul level. 

However, years later when he showed up again

in her life, something came up

that she couldn't catch onto fast enough. 

The wool was pulled over her eyes. 

This Pisces brother twisted words to her

 of his love for her. 

She told him that she didn't want him

because she was in love with his younger brother. 

And this is where the Pisces brother cast his spell

on her. 

He told her that he would report the situation

and that she would go to jail. 

Her heart crashed. 

She loved the younger brother but felt a huge 


 a heavy dark cloud came over her... 

Her psyche was in love but her heart also knew 

she had to love herself more. 

So with this fear, 

which came from the Pisces brother's jealousy,

She broke herself in two


 left her desire 

for her fear of getting in trouble.

The Pisces brother gloated and took her on his 

brother's bicycle into the woods. 

She rode on the handle bar and felt like

she was travelling into another world

just like in 'The wizard of Oz'.

She was going to a world where she would meet 

all her fears and weaknesses. 


In the Here and Now, 

It was finally time to face these fears.

Time to free herself from the false prison

she had locked herself into all because

of a false belief. 

A lie.

A lie that was projected onto her and she chose to 

believe it. 

But why?

Why did she choose to believe a lie? 

What fear was causing her to go against her 

true wishes and desires?

Maybe this is why she couldn't open her heart. 

She resented her heart for a really long time

all because of this decision that she was 

FORCED to make. 

Or so she wanted to believe. 

It was now high time to break this false belief


When the Pisces brother projected the fear onto her 

that she would go to jail for dating a younger guy... 

She believed it because it was the law. 

But not God's law. 

It was the law of the land.

The law of religious beliefs.

A religion, as she found out later, was actually

created to cause separation of people

from the true flow of God. 

Her heart, never wanted to go against her Psyche.

Her heart being her masculine passion, was very much connected

to her feminine desires. 

They were one.

Until the day she allowed herself to believe the lie

that God had a rule against 


Lesson Learned. 
But her ship had sailed 
a long time ago.
It was now up to her to accept it
and move forward and begin again.

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