Thursday, January 25, 2024

Untie me Please...

 The Roar of the Leo Full Moon

shook her body at its very core. 

She welcomed the unfamiliar feeling of 

tingles deep within, that seemed to

run up and around her entire being.

This was definitely not what she was used to.

Never had she felt so stuck.



She wondered at what part of her core

was she hiding the truth of her Identity.

And why was she still hiding it?

From who?

From what?

Now-a-days, everyone was Spiritual.

There was no more fear of being called a witch.

In fact, it was almost becoming a fad to even be one. 

Everyone was fighting in line to be one. 

Yet she on the other hand was still in the dark.

The shadow followed her around like a black cloud.

This shadow that no matter what she was or did, 

was never gonna go anywhere. 

She remembered being a teenager, asking always 

if she could do a sport she loved. 

They would tell her "no" because they couldn't afford 

it if she were to get hurt. 

Already, they had assumed she was not good enough. 

And no matter how much she would prove 

all that she really could do, 

everything got tossed out the window. 

So she did what they told her to do.

She became the good little liar who  always 

hid herself from them and everyone else

just so she could be accepted.

Yet in the end... 

No one accepted her. 

Especially not God. 

He was waiting for her to wake the F*ck up!

But she was afraid to wake up. 

Because maybe it was too late...

She was a has been.

She was old now.

Her body had flipped it's lid on her.

She had missed her boat a long time ago.

She missed her call. 

Didn't she?


Was their one last call

 that she could open her ears to hear?

Could there be???

One more chance? 

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