Monday, February 5, 2024

Mind POWer

It was February 5th 2024. 

It wasn't even the middle of the month yet, 

but already, a big event was taking place. 

Even poor Phil the groundhog wasn't getting 

as much attention as what was going down 

this week.

Today was the day

the personal POWER planet PLUTO

was making a conjunction

with Mercury, the planet of all things

Mind, Logic, Perception and Communication.

She had already got a little zing of this 

power struggle first thing this morning when 

her Plutonic Twin had sent her a text. 

But she was grateful to herself for doing her healing

work over the passed couple of months,

 otherwise the message would have hit her harder 

then it actually did. 

It all began yesterday when her Plutonic twin 

messaged her first

because he was triggered by the reflections he 

was seeing manifested before him.

Things were beginning to crumble... 

So of course, he turned to her. 

It was her Pluto that was square to his Sun.

Which meant that every time he 

was to level up something about his 

self confidence and self worth issues, 

Pluto would help him see it through their 

interactions with each other. 

Aside from the crumbling events in his corner of the world, 

he decided to text her this morning and tried to get his

self worth energy from her.

His usual tactics were to:

 come around 

and be nice to her,

 then out of the blue,

 he would smash her spirit. 

Crush it like Ice in a slushy. 


 this time, she was very well aware

of the games he played.

And Pluto was about to destroy all of his 

illusion delusion manipulations. 

The false ways he would fill up his 

low self esteem through hurting her, was not

going to work this time.

She had finally learned to level up her own 


No more would she self sacrifice herself for anyone.

But instead, she was a teacher. 

Through her own actions and reactions. 

How she chose to respond was what was going 

to help him level up as well. 

But first Pluto had to destroy all that was false.

For him, it was his fears 

of not being worthy for what he truly 


The way he chose to shine his light 

in everything he did...

Was it coming from a place of truth and love

 for himself

and for

who God had made him?

Or was he lying to himself and expecting to 

attract external validations of worth by wearing a mask?

February was going to be a very busy month

with Pluto in Aquarius.

Where he needed to heal, was going to be reflected

in whatever he was trying to manifest in his life.

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