Sunday, January 14, 2024

Eternal Optimist

She was such the slow learner.. 

If it was a race between her and a snail, 

the snail would already be in Hawaii enjoying it's 


and her..

Well she would still be running the race thinking she was 

going to win what had already been won and done.

Slow and steady wins the race?

Not in her case.

She was a has been.

Hanging on to something that was never real. 

Her beliefs.

This idea she held so tight to

was never her.

This Ego she kept believing in..

Was not working for her.

It was always working against her.

And today was the day she was finally going to 

Fire it.

Dear Ego, pack your shit and go.

And as she sat back and watched her Ego 

pack it's bag ever so slowly... 

She wondered... 

Maybe the Ego wasn't the problem. 

Maybe there wasn't a problem at all. 

Maybe, just maybe...

It was time to take the lead 

Maybe it was time for her to own her truth finally

and become the leader of herself. 

Perhaps her Ego was there to help her. 

With all of it's knowledge, 

She couldn't just let it go. 

Instead, she would become it's friend.

And they could work together in connection

to God and his Love energy.

Because in all honesty, everything she learned 

growing up was never going to become wisdom

until she accepted all of it's truth. 

The Good, the Bad,

 and the Ugly. 

And in this way, 

she would be the most powerful in anything

she wanted to do. 

This was evolution. 

Acceptance of all. 

Not rejection.

Without the dark, she would not know light.

And this is exactly what she finally saw

the truth of. 

The rest was history.

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