Saturday, January 20, 2024

Only You

Pluto had finally made his ingress into Aquarius 

which really helped her move forward her truths. 

It had been a very long time since she was able to speak her truth,

especially to a man. 

She always had a huge fear of being left.

Of not being worthy.

But with Pluto finally finishing up with Capricorn,

she had learned that what she really wanted 

in this life was a partner.

Someone who she could count on, 

feel safe with,

and share many great adventures together with.

But she had to learn some really important things about 

herself first. 

Things like;

 what she wanted and desired, really did matter.

and that it was up to her 

to first accept herself for who she truly was. 

Wishes, desires, identity, and all. 

And only she could fulfill her own wishes and desires

by listening to her own heart.

And so with this Pluto Ingress, 

she too walked into a new Energy...

Her own. 

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