Saturday, January 13, 2024

Reject Court Jesters

Friday came, as did her date with Hank.

Around 8pm Hank chimes in with a clown question.

"Are you going to Rio?"

She looked at the text and wondered why she was even 

responding, but she figured, 

give this clown one more chance to prove a chat.

She responded to him with,

"Only if you come pick me up."

Like the joke that he was, he replies with the oldest 

trick in the book. 

"I'm not driving, i'm going with friends."

To her, already he was painting himself a B*tch Boy.

Can't even be responsible enough to drive,

 let alone 

be man enough to get a girl

 yet he was pussy enough 

to text her and see if she would be dumb enough to 

show up for him like a desperate slave. 

He really must have had a brain tumor for breakfast

to be this dumb!

She was totally turned off. 

What a moron. 

Clowns belong in the circus she thought. 

So she replied to him 

to never text her again, and she blocked him

for good. 

She shook off the creepy feeling that she felt 

just allowing herself to even talk to him this long. 

 She remembered RC Blakes say in one of his

sermons that God doesn't approve unequally yoked 

relationships and she knew immediately that the creepy 

feeling she was feeling was the negative 

spirit that tried to illusion her. 

Not this time. 

Not ever again.

She was learning and leveling up finally. 

She even realized that her plutonic twin was a joke.

When she asked him his New Moon in Capricorn

long term goals, he didn't have any.

He was still just running with baggage up and down stairs. 

Running away all his life from the responsibility 

of owning his identity, which he had no clue about

because he was too busy fighting invisible demons

that were really all just his fears. 

It was sad really, to see little boys be so f*cked up.

But this is what was happening in the world today.

The negative energies had it easy.

With everyone so far away from their own truths, 

it wasn't hard for the negative spirits to pick their


She saw all this. 

Yet, she wasn't here to fix anyone. 

She was just a messenger. 

A messenger of light through her actions. 

And so she blocked another clown..

Her castle was only open to Kings and Noblemen.

Clowns belonged to the circus. 

Simple as that. 

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