Saturday, January 6, 2024

Paper Hats

New Years Day not only brought her a new year, 

and a new cold and cough... 

But it also brought back a ghost. 

The ghost of December 2nd's last chat.

When she saw his name pop up on her text messages,

 she felt a jolt...  

Now, she wasn't sure if the jolt was 

the shock and surprise kind... 


if it was the hand of her Ego slapping her out of it kind..

Either way...

She allowed herself the practice. 

She had just learned all about what it meant to be in her 

feminine energy, as well as how to own her queen 


So she allowed for God to bring in this new contestant. 

His name was Hank.

She had met Hank at her favorite dance place.

Only, at the time, it was his friend who

had her number and not him. 

However, she did pass the test of being honest 

with the friend in telling him she was more interested 

in Hank. 

And when Hank had text her back in December, 

she was shocked that it actually worked. 

A new timeline had opened up for her. 

However, Hank wasn't ready to go on a date.

He kept asking her to meet up with him. 

To which she kindly replied a no thank you each time.

Hank then disappeared 

until January 1st 2024!

When she saw his name, she burst out laughing. 

She knew what he was doing. 

Trying to see if she was going to change her mind

since he was gone a whole month. 

But no. 

She still kept declining kindly his advances to 'meet up'. 

She even tried throwing in questions only Kings 

could answer,

and sure enough, he was dodging them like fireballs. 

To her, his dodging the questions only made her see the 

truth ten times clearer... 

That he was wearing a crown made out of 

construction paper.

She was ready to put the whole thing to rest cause

she knew he wasn't going to change. 

This was who he was. 

And then something strange happened. 

By the end of the first week of January,

Hank shot her a text asking her on a date!

Even though she was very weary of his true intentions, 

she knew she was a strong woman. 

She had learned a lot about the red flags 

to keep an eye out for. 

She also knew a lot about how to be a strong 

confident feminine woman, 

yet soft enough to allow men to see 

her true worth and value as a 

queen they wanted in their life. 

So she was going to give it a chance,

to see where she would land with this

El Salvadorian


To Be Continued...

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