Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Goal of Hate

It was only mere hours away from the new moon 

in Capricorn..

And all she could hear repeating over and over

 in her mind was the words, 

"I Hate You."

Those were some really harsh words. 

And even though she knew that somewhere, some time, 

 she herself

had used those same very words

when she was extremely upset

and retaliating,

This wasn't the same. 

The day she heard them being spoken to her,

was not a day of anger. 

It was not a day of retaliating.

It was a holy day.

A day of peace.

And in return to her peace offering, 

she was met with the darkest words

of the night.

"I Hate you."

They struck her like a knife in the back.

As she was talking to her mother, the dagger 

hit her right where it hurt.

Next to her own self inflicted wound.

Two for two..

She was done.

As she sat there bleeding from both ends, 

she realized that if she didn't get up now,

she would die right then and there.

She would drain of all that she had left. 

And so she got up. 

It was now a New year. 

And only a few more hours before the

Capricorn New Moon would appear before her.

She had blocked both of them.

There wasn't going to be any more chances.

She finally did what was expected of her in this 


To nurture herself and deal with her triggers, 

she had finally made it clear to those 

whom she kept allowing to destroy her. 

Disrespect, superiority, and 

jealousy had no place in her life. 

And so she cut them out once and for all. 

And as hard as it was to never look back, 

She had achieved it. 

Just as Lot's wife was told not to do...

This time she wasn't going to look back.

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