Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Do It...

 She found herself in the land down under... 

Where women glow and men plunder...

and there she was given the name 

Sherry... Sherry Baby.. Sherry...

But of course she didn't like that name  

so she rejected it. 

She was a Maneater... 

She only came out at night. 

Everyone knew 

She was the lean and hungry type.

Sitting with you, but her eyes are on the door. 

Yeah, she was Out of touch. 

So Out of touch!

And everywhere she went, she left a lingering 

Cruel Summer. 


Keep dreaming Day Dream Believer!

She was a Survivor with a Burning Heart. 

Her name was Jenny. 

If you want Hell, give her a call

Eight six seven five three ohhh nigh ee iiiiiine

Okay.. so she was listening to her eighties music again. 

She liked to be so dramatic with all that she did. 

So what! 

It was who she was. 

And she loved that about herself. 

She liked to be creative. 

Outside the norm.

Forget stories that made sense.

Forget living a life that was so predictable.

She wanted to live on the edge.

And she made sure she did.

The only thing she could never do though 

was accomplish one very risky thing... 


She could spin webs of seduction, manipulation, deceit... 

You name it, she could do it... 

Yet, this thing called LOVE was something new for her.

Something she was learning in this lifetime.

And as wonderful as Love sounded, 

it definitely wasn't as easy to accomplish as everything else.

This was going to be a new ideology that was going to 

be conquered before she died. 

She made it her mission. 

And since today was Valentine's Day, 

she made a promise to Lord Valentine that she was going to 

figure it all out and make it real. 

One Day.


One Life Time...

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