Thursday, February 15, 2024

Law of Distraction

Venus, the planet of love and attraction,

 was about to intensify her truth against

 Pluto, the planet of personal Power, 

in Aquarius, the sign of social interactions, 

 the very next day. 

And she was crossing her fingers that 

something good would get awakened in her

that would guide her to her next step. 

But she knew deep inside... 

She still had one more thing to admit to herself. 

That she needed to cut off all connections to a toxic

ex who she referred to as her Plutonic twin. 

Venus and Pluto had both brought it to her attention 

that he was never a twin. 

He was a Reflection.


But just like a mirror reflection, there really wasn't 

ever going to be an attraction, let alone 

an intimate connection. 

And Venus had taught her the real reason why. 

Venus had taught her that if she was lying to herself

about who she really was, then she had rejected 

who God had made her. 

And without her true identity, her Venus would not 

work for her Mars energy. 

And she would have no attraction energy. 

No wonder Pluto had reminded her of the Law of attraction. 

This Plutonic Ex wasn't it!

The real truth about the law of attraction was that

if Venus, attraction, and Mars, action, could not work together, 

then they sure as hell could not work alone.

Therefore, as she looked over her life... 

When she met her Plutonic ex... 

She really wasn't being true to herself. 

How many more times did she have to play the game of 

I can change people before she finally accepted 

it that the only person to change was herself. 

Change herself back to her true identity. 

And her true identity would never accept a broken

person like her Plutonic Ex. 

Especially since he wasn't even seeking healing. 

And so, tonight, 

she set her intention. 

Her Intention to go back to her true Identity. 

And let go of all the strings she was holding onto

from those who were never meant to stay with her

on her path forward. 

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