Monday, February 12, 2024

Innocent until Proven Guilty

 A lot of activity was about to go down

in the week coming up. 

It was still Sunday Night, and she had already 

encountered her first test

and failed it. 

As she sat in her chair, contemplating

the conversation that had just went down, 

She realized that she had sold herself short

yet again.

Her Plutonic twin all day was posting crude 

pictures and words... 

Some including her and others just simply pointing

out faulty situations with his own life


However, the minute he decided to message her, 

she had excitedly responded with a kind greeting. 

Now why?

Why would she do that?

And that is exactly what she was pondering now. 

She realized that a lot of her actions and reactions

to people who reached out to her

 were always coming from an innocent place 

of what she liked to think was unconditional love. 

Unfortunately, Saturn, 

Lord of Laws and Limits,

 didn't see it quite that simply.

Sure, Saturn knew Unconditional Love rather well, 

and so  he had come to remind her that she had indeed

learned the real truth about it as well. 

The truth that there was a Reality and then there was 

the lens through traumas, 

which she herself had been looking through 

once again. 


As she looked over the truth of the situation at hand,

she saw that yes, her Plutonic Twin 

was still doing the same exact thing 

he always did, playing the 

narcissistic game of lowering other people in order 

to feel better about himself. 

But then she looked at her reaction and saw that 

she too was doing the same exact thing she always did,

expect him to change. 

Clearly, she was ignoring the truth 

of the situation at hand though. 

And the action she decided to take was 

coming actually from a fear of losing someone she never had. 

Or actually never wanted. 

At least not the way he was in the now moment.

And so this was her first Lesson to 

take note of. 

She couldn't change people. 

Only God could. 

But she couldn't use God 's love for people 

as an excuse to stay with a hurtful person either. 

She had to take them for who and what they were

 in the NOW moments. 

And accept the feelings that came up 

with the disappointment of them not being what she needed.

So, as hard as it was,

 she finally realized it was time 

to let it go. 

It was never going to change. 

And she loved herself too much to stay 

low for anyone. 

And so she wished him the best

and she closed the door. 

It was time to move on to the next chapter

of her life. 

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