Saturday, February 10, 2024

Found my Keys

 It had finally arrived!

Her key to Freedom!

And boy oh boy was it exactly as glorious 

as she never could have thought

it would be.

Her revelation arrived the very day of

the Aquarius New Moon

square to Uranus.

But instead of through shock and surprise, 

she was blessed with a sudden breakthrough.

As she was sitting there looking at her chart,

trying to see exactly where she needed to level up.

Something wasn't adding up. 

Every time a huge event would happen, 

the points at which her chart were placed never

hit her as such. 

However, she began to see her Plutonic Twin get hit when she 

should have been hit. 

And so she decided to look at his chart next. 

And there it was. 

Her Ah Ha Moment!

His chart placements were hitting her rather then hers. 

She wondered though. 

Was this some type of Voodoo that she was supposed to 

put an end to? 

She recognized that his Juno which represented 

relationships and marriage

was conjunct her Sun, which represented 

who she came here to be. 

But she came here as the woman.

She was the feminine energy. 

Why was she in his masculine energy?

When did she decide to jump her own ship?

And this is when she recognized her true path. 

She was to be who God had made her, 

yet she was also to know where to draw the line. 

Not only for herself,

But also for others.

And this is where true self worth came from.

And so...
She knew. 
She knew very well that the story wasn't over just yet.
There was still a Mars and a Venus Conjuct Pluto 
coming up for review. 
And with those two, she would be tested. 
It would be up to her to make the right choices 
and use her keys of freedom
to unlock a few more doors. 

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