Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Reunited to Ignite it

 A HUGE change was happening whether she 

agreed to it in the physical or not. 

Her Soul was working it's magic and all she 

could do was surrender to it's wishes.

There was only two days left before 

she would reach the peak of the Aquarius New Moon


And with the square to Uranus in Taurus, 

she knew she was up for review,

 especially around

 how she truly felt at one with her soul's truest desires. 

Saturn was also in the game. 

He was testing her to see if she had learned 

to set up her boundaries 

or if she 

was still self sacrificing her self for the 

false belief that she needed to be rescued by a man.

As much as she loved men, she also 

knew she needed and wanted one that was 

true to her own frequency. 

She was tired of dumbing herself down for all 

these clowns.

And the only reason she kept attracting only 

clowns was because she was holding onto 

all that broken consciousness stuff.

It was long over due to finally level them up. 

And it could only be done through strength

and trust in God and the universe.

Her soul was already fast on the mission.

It knew exactly who she was and where

she was going. 

And it wanted to give her the keys. 

But it could only do it when she was clear 

on what she truly deserved. 

And that was what could only be revealed 

through her action of attraction.

Her Venus was ready. 

Was she?

It was time to find out... 

Don't hold your breath though, cause this tsunami

wasn't going to flood over her. 

It was going to carry her to her next 



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