Friday, February 23, 2024

I See You...

 The energy of the Virgo Full Moon was already 

sliding in the cracks that she had yet to heal.

She felt all the tentacles of the Kraken 

sticking to each crack like the bath suctions

on a body sponge to the tile. 

She knew she had to speed up the healing


or else the unthinkable would happen... 

Her ship would sink. 

And she would be eaten alive by the kraken!

But she knew better. 

Healing came in divine timing. 

It couldn't be rushed. 

So for her to stress over it was proving futile.

Instead, she decided to just go along with 

her next step.

No more delaying it. 

It was time to act on it. 

It was time for her to be REAL again.

One of the things that was occurring 

in her, was definitely unexplainable to her, yet 

a shift was definitely happening

 and so she had no choice but to allow it.

She was learning about her secret

defense mechanisms.

Taking everything personally and then 

creating battles just to try to change people.


When she met this part of herself, she had to ask

it why it felt so attacked all the time?

And that's when it revealed itself. 

She had changed herself for the approval 

of others.

But in this way, she took on the role of 

attaching to a life that lead her down a path

of self destruction, every time, all because 

she was putting them on a pedestal.

And throwing who God had made her

 out the window.


No wonder her Plutonic Twin always asked her,

Who are you? 

Who am I?

It's almost like he could see that she wasn't real.

She was lying to herself. 

And so with this Virgo Full Moon, 

She made a pact with herself that she would 

allow her truth to shine once again.

Now And Forever. 

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