Saturday, March 2, 2024


"I only text you yesterday because I was drunk. 

I made a mistake, sorry." 

As she read over his last words to her, 

she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. 

Rejected again. 

Abandoned again. 

Why didn't they want her. 

What was so horribly wrong with her 

that no one could love her?

She wiped the tears from her eyes, 

and she tried to remember that God Loved her. 

Just as she was. 

But then why didn't anything work for her?

She sat and thought about it,

before completely throwing in the towel.

She loved to write. 

And she was doing it. 

So that worked. 

She loved to draw.

And she drew great pictures that actually

revealed more knowledge and wisdom

she never knew she had in her. 

So that worked. 

She made her videos on all the planetary transits

almost every day.

So that also worked. 

However, the one major thing that actually

wasn't working... 

Was her financial flow. 

No matter how much work she put in to all

that she loved, 

there was no actual return. 

It didn't work. 

And so she tried to figure it out.

If everything else was working, 

except her relationships to others... 

Could it be??

That the way she was relating to her finances

 was what was actually not working? 

So maybe what she needed to do, was exactly 

what she needed to do with relationships...

Be open to them. 

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