Saturday, March 16, 2024

Hidden Treasure

 She had just finished chaining up her bike 

and slowly began walking to the Dollar Tree

for some detergent. 

As she walked passed the Public Library, her eye 

fixated on the bushy grey haired man, 

 sitting by the window,

 always on his laptop, typing away

  in the Library. She tried not to be too obvious 

so she allowed herself to only see him 

through an eye corners glance. 

But she did seem to notice 
that he was always there. 
Every Day since the day she moved to 
that part of town.

When she finished shopping for her detergent, 

she started to head back to her bike. 

As she got closer to the library, 

she now saw the bushy grey haired man sitting outside

on the ground in front of the library. 

As she walked by him, 

he said to her,

 "The weather is finally beautiful again."

She stopped and turned, 

"I'm sorry, what was that?" she asked curiously.

He repeated it to her and then added, 

"It's not too hot and not too cold."

A warm smile appeared on her face.

She had totally agreed with him, then tried to spark

up small talk. 

But the grey haired man had delivered his 

message and started to say things that 

she knew was a sign to say good-bye. 

She thanked him and wished him a good night. 

As she rode her bike home, 

all she could think about was her Plutonic Twin

and how one day he had told her 

that the bushy grey haired man had talked to him

and made him see a brighter side to life. 

He told him to Dance like nobody's watching...

She wondered... 

Was this how God worked?

Whenever things would get hard, 

an angel would appear amongst their greatest fears! 

To deliver a hidden secret that they both held 

deep within them but were too afraid 

to take it out. 

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